I know today is Christmas, but here at Powder Paradise we celebrated last Tuesday - due to work schedules. What a Christmas it was!!!
The first thing I did was hop in the shower as I wanted to be fresh and pretty for the days festivities. As I was lathering away I heard a squeal in my room and the door shut. I started giggling to myself. Jocelyn - one of my housemates - was planning on waking everybody up by jumping on them; she was extremely excited that it was (Poweder Paradise) Christmas. She had run into wake me up but I was already up and in the shower so she squealed with excitement.
I finished up my shower and got ready...or I tried to get ready...all I could here from downstairs was banging and Jocelyn shouting "hurry up Emmieeeeeeeeeeee...it's Christmas!!!" I put my makeup on hold and head downstairs to be welcomed by "Happy Christmas" and a mimosa. We then went to the living room to look at our stockings. We each had one over the fireplace with our initial on it - so Santa would know who's is who's - and each one was full. SANTA CAME!!!

Him and his Reindeer even left us a note!!!
The boys picked up the tree and carried to the road, stood it up and proudly posed around it so us girls could take photos of them. It was like when somebody stand there with their big fish catch, and they hold it up proudly, they were proud of their tree and so were we! They put the tree in the back of the pick up (with me) Tom, Tommy and Peaches hopped in the back as well and we were off, singing away to the Christmas carols playing on my Christmas radio, proud and excited about our catch. The boys carried the tree into the chalet, up the stairs and out to the porch and began working on the bottom and branches so it could fit in the corner properly. While the boys worked at the tree and setting it up for about an hour while us girls stood in the kitchen drinking wine, nibbling on food and preparing food. After an hour of hard work the boys had our tree placed in a recycling bin jammed with fire kindling to keep it in place...it looked awesome!!! It was now time to decorate the tree! We had the fire going, wine poured, lights tinsel and decorations, Lauren even made an angel out of tinfoil for the top of the tree!!! Honestly....it's the prettiest Christmas tree in the world, backless and all, it's perfect!!! We put all the presents under it and then had to wait for Collin and Isam to get home as they both had to work.

The first thing I did was hop in the shower as I wanted to be fresh and pretty for the days festivities. As I was lathering away I heard a squeal in my room and the door shut. I started giggling to myself. Jocelyn - one of my housemates - was planning on waking everybody up by jumping on them; she was extremely excited that it was (Poweder Paradise) Christmas. She had run into wake me up but I was already up and in the shower so she squealed with excitement.
I finished up my shower and got ready...or I tried to get ready...all I could here from downstairs was banging and Jocelyn shouting "hurry up Emmieeeeeeeeeeee...it's Christmas!!!" I put my makeup on hold and head downstairs to be welcomed by "Happy Christmas" and a mimosa. We then went to the living room to look at our stockings. We each had one over the fireplace with our initial on it - so Santa would know who's is who's - and each one was full. SANTA CAME!!!
Him and his Reindeer even left us a note!!!
We then sat down to a pancakes, pineapple and maple syrup - which I didn't eat because I am not a big breakfast eater especially when I first get up and I am not big on pancakes either, but I did help myself to another mimosa to replace the pancakes.
After breakfast - and a glass of wine for me - we walked to the shuttle and went to the village to pick up mail and grab mulled wine and mimosa's at Black Diamond (where I work). Everyone was in such a great mood as our next stop was tree cutting. Yup we were planning on cutting down our tree! The chef at Black Diamond printed off a (free) tree cutting licence for us and we all hopped in my boss'(Theresa) pick up - some in the cab some in the back - and off we went to find the perfect tree.
There was a lot too choose from and a lot of snow to get through as well, it didn't stop us though. We were like kids in a candy store...we were all so excited to cut down our very own tree. We hiked through snow heaps of snow, some of it up to our crotches. Jocelyn sunk right down in one spot screamed and yelled "The snow is vagina deep!!! I have snow in my vagina!!!" Yup, very non-censored for a Christmas excursion, but that is Joce and we love her dearly, she is the entertainer of the group.
To make the atmosphere I played my Christmas Radio on my phone so we had music the whole time, well at least I did :)
The boys kept going further into the woods but the trees were getting bigger and bigger and I was looking at the trunks thinking we have to chop it down and they are getting thicker and thicker and taller and taller, how are we gonna do this? We turned around and hiked back through the vagina deep snow to the truck and stood back to take a look. Pete (Peaches) - Jocelyn's Fiance - was scoping out a tree for quite awhile and said "the only thing is the back of this tree is flat; there are no branches." Perfect, we are putting it against a wall anyways we don't need a back to it. So one by one, we took the axe and began chopping away. And yes, I actually hit the tree in the right spot! Well not the first time I missed and Will said "Emmie, hit the tree we are cutting down not the other one!" We must've been a funny sight to watch, there are all the boys in all their winter apparel, snowpants, hats, coats gloves; then there are us girls, make up hair done, dressed up in our celebration clothes cutting down a tree...Jocelyn was in a dress and tights...we are a great bunch that is for sure.
After many chops and everyone taking part in the tree chopping the tree started to bend ever so slightly then it fell and I yelled TIMBER!!! Yay!!! We actually cut down our own tree!!! It was great. To be honest I wasn't expecting it to be that much fun, usually I have these high expectations and then it just doesn't seem as good as I wanted it to be, this however exceeded what I was expecting!!! It was soooooo much fun.
Dinner was amazing, we had turkey, stuffing, ham, sweet potato, gravy, carrots...I could go on. There was so much food...I'm getting hungry just thinking about it. We had table crackers as well and we all got little toys and crowns in them. Our friend Shannen (from the hostel) joined us for dinner as well which was really nice....she loved every minute of it. I loved every minute of it I was having a blast - I started drinking at 10am - the day was going perfect.
After dinner was presents! We did a secret Santa and I was excited to hand out all the gifts as I wasn't getting one. What happened was we pulled names when Isam was at his staff party. I pulled one for him. When he got home that night he was pretty drunk but I didn't want to forget to give him his name. "Whats this?" "It's for your secret Santa." "I don't understand." " Well you have to buy a gift for under $10 for the person you have." "Oh, well it only says your name on here baby." Yup, my boyfriend LOL...gee thanks baby....your not supposed to tell me. Haha. So I told him not to worry about getting me anything as we were planning on doing a nice night out. So as much as I was giftless to me there is nothing better about giving gifts and handing them out. The whiskey was brought out and the Baileys and that's pretty much where I got really drunk. A few friends from work stopped by to say hi and I just got more happy and more drunk.
It was the perfect day and the most epic Christmas...I couldn't have asked for a better day. Though, I could've asked for a better day after as I was super cross eyed and had to work at 8am till 4pm as the only server all day...haha...I did warn my boss' that I was gong to be cross eyed so they weren't surprised.
Now today for Christmas it is work....it's ok I don't mind. The owners are serving us a "family dinner" tonight at work with wine and beer...I'm so excited!!!
Anyways...I know you all need to be off celebrating with your loved ones. I send my love to you all and a big WARM hug to my loved ones who have been without heat. I know it's cold but just remember you have each other and there are still many things to be grateful for, such as knowing someone like me :o) haha