I hit a tree last week...well actually a tree stump. I had just come out of a little trail in the glades and picked up some speed. I was heading towards another little trail where at the entrance there is a two foot high tree stump that is really jagged at the top. My speed was picking up and I knew - due to me not being the greatest boarder - that I wouldn't be able to steer myself around it, and, if I did try there was a possibility of me falling on it and that really didn't seem appealing. With time running out I did the only thing I could think of; I dug my heel-side into the snow as hard as I could falling on my butt. With my heel-side still in the snow I slid - on my butt - getting closer by the second. I hit the tree with the bottom of my board, the impact bringing my knees right into my chest and then flipping me over on my right side twisting my knee as the top of my board stayed in one spot and my body kept going! I just stayed there for a few minutes to catch my breath, make sure I didn't dislocate anything as I kind of hurt my shoulder when I twisted and to make sure my knee was mobile. I was a little shaken to be honest, I had avoided this trail all the time because of this tree stump and I got carried away for a minute and look what happened. However, it could've been worse, way worse so I can't really complain. Plus - to be honest - we all know I am a little melodramatic when I write, it did happen the way I wrote it but it literally all happened in five seconds but I like to build the intensity for you guys :) Oh and yes...I wear a helmet!
I was a little shaky for the rest of the day, I was really paranoid, every time I saw something sticking out of the ground I got nervous. I would slow right down. It really just through me off for the rest of the day; but it was still a really good day. Nandita and I took the T-Bar up to the summit and snowboarded through the Snow Ghosts.
Snow Ghosts - snow and ice are incrusted on the tips of Evergreens. When covered they look like snow ghosts!!! Sometimes its just the tops of the trees, so the trees may look or seem short but really the snow is so high/deep and the rest of the tree is buried.
This has become my favourite area to ride...it is incredibly beautiful...you can see everything from up there and it is so peaceful, it's easy to forget where you are. Riding through the ghosts is amazing...well, the fact I am riding through trees is amazing lol...but seriously I really wish I could explain how amazing it is, the views, the feel of riding the trails, riding through trees, the sense of freedom, how stoked I am as soon as I come out the last bit of trees and just wanting to do it again. I'm not a fan of the T-bar though, never have been.
It's not the small ones I remember as a kid. These are on a retracting rope so they are as long as needed for the rider or skier. Skier's have it way easier on the T-bar then snowboarders. They just put it under there bum and up they go, snowboarders have to put it in between there legs and it can be quite uncomfortable especially going up steep parts...ouch! I have fallen off 3 times.
The first time I rode it I thought I was gonna hit the pole so I bent my knees thinking it would help make some tension and move me out of the way not thinking that it's on a retractable rope and I ended up falling right on my bum.
The second and third time was yesterday. My friend Raphael were riding up double. We both ride goofy and had to face the same way instead of each other, we didn't get close enough and he fell back on me within the first minute. Then later on as we were riding up, I caught a grove in the snow and lost my balance. I pulled him down with me - I was holding on to the back of his jacket - and he fell back to the left but my front leg - the one I hurt when I hit the tree stump - got wrapped around the t-bar and I started getting pulled up. I finally got my leg unwrapped and the t-bar swung around hitting the pole and then retracted up the rope and continued it's way up the hill. I tell ya, I'm an accident waiting to happen lol. Yes we did make it up to the top, at one point I was pretty much flying. He is taller than me and when we were going up the steep part my board pretty much wasn't even on the ground...it was less painful then usual but a little more tricky not falling.
Alex and her boyfriend Simone came up last week for two nights. We got a full day of riding in but it was so cold. One part of the mountain - at the top - was a very cold -37!!! We had to go in every 2-3 runs to warm up. My face bandana froze! My nose kept running because it was so cold so the only place it went was either my mouth - at least I stayed hydrated lol - or my bandana. I could actually mold the bandana around my nose haha, and I couldn't take it off because it was way too cold - my house mate ended up getting frostbite on his nose. It was a beautiful bluebird day and the slopes were pretty empty but it was way too cold. The sandwiches we packed for lunch in the backpack were almost frozen by the time we sat down to eat them. All in all it was a great day despite the freezing temperature. We went for a nice dinner and then met Isam after his shift at the bar but we were so tired we were home and in bed by 12:30.
I have pretty much just been working and riding. Tonight a bunch of us are going night riding and I believe we are going to the park where my friend Sam is gonna teach me how to hit some boxes so wish me luck, hopefully I make it out with every muscle and joint in the correct places.
Happy riding.
- My Beautiful Life -
I was a little shaky for the rest of the day, I was really paranoid, every time I saw something sticking out of the ground I got nervous. I would slow right down. It really just through me off for the rest of the day; but it was still a really good day. Nandita and I took the T-Bar up to the summit and snowboarded through the Snow Ghosts.
Snow Ghosts - snow and ice are incrusted on the tips of Evergreens. When covered they look like snow ghosts!!! Sometimes its just the tops of the trees, so the trees may look or seem short but really the snow is so high/deep and the rest of the tree is buried.
This has become my favourite area to ride...it is incredibly beautiful...you can see everything from up there and it is so peaceful, it's easy to forget where you are. Riding through the ghosts is amazing...well, the fact I am riding through trees is amazing lol...but seriously I really wish I could explain how amazing it is, the views, the feel of riding the trails, riding through trees, the sense of freedom, how stoked I am as soon as I come out the last bit of trees and just wanting to do it again. I'm not a fan of the T-bar though, never have been.
It's not the small ones I remember as a kid. These are on a retracting rope so they are as long as needed for the rider or skier. Skier's have it way easier on the T-bar then snowboarders. They just put it under there bum and up they go, snowboarders have to put it in between there legs and it can be quite uncomfortable especially going up steep parts...ouch! I have fallen off 3 times.
The first time I rode it I thought I was gonna hit the pole so I bent my knees thinking it would help make some tension and move me out of the way not thinking that it's on a retractable rope and I ended up falling right on my bum.
The second and third time was yesterday. My friend Raphael were riding up double. We both ride goofy and had to face the same way instead of each other, we didn't get close enough and he fell back on me within the first minute. Then later on as we were riding up, I caught a grove in the snow and lost my balance. I pulled him down with me - I was holding on to the back of his jacket - and he fell back to the left but my front leg - the one I hurt when I hit the tree stump - got wrapped around the t-bar and I started getting pulled up. I finally got my leg unwrapped and the t-bar swung around hitting the pole and then retracted up the rope and continued it's way up the hill. I tell ya, I'm an accident waiting to happen lol. Yes we did make it up to the top, at one point I was pretty much flying. He is taller than me and when we were going up the steep part my board pretty much wasn't even on the ground...it was less painful then usual but a little more tricky not falling.
Alex and her boyfriend Simone came up last week for two nights. We got a full day of riding in but it was so cold. One part of the mountain - at the top - was a very cold -37!!! We had to go in every 2-3 runs to warm up. My face bandana froze! My nose kept running because it was so cold so the only place it went was either my mouth - at least I stayed hydrated lol - or my bandana. I could actually mold the bandana around my nose haha, and I couldn't take it off because it was way too cold - my house mate ended up getting frostbite on his nose. It was a beautiful bluebird day and the slopes were pretty empty but it was way too cold. The sandwiches we packed for lunch in the backpack were almost frozen by the time we sat down to eat them. All in all it was a great day despite the freezing temperature. We went for a nice dinner and then met Isam after his shift at the bar but we were so tired we were home and in bed by 12:30.
I have pretty much just been working and riding. Tonight a bunch of us are going night riding and I believe we are going to the park where my friend Sam is gonna teach me how to hit some boxes so wish me luck, hopefully I make it out with every muscle and joint in the correct places.
Happy riding.
- My Beautiful Life -