We booked an Eco Tours Adventure up on the mountain. The day included, 2 ziplines, a treetop walk, tractor ride, scenic caves, a walk on the suspension trip and some history of the area. I was super stoked! I have lived here for 11 years and have never been to the scenic caves or done any of the touristy stuff. H
aving a job where I don't have to work weekends has really allowed me to take advantage of living in the area.
We arrived at 9:30am, got dressed in all our gear and headed to the first stop on the tour, the suspension bridge.
It was high up but I was alright, my vertigo wasn't to bad at all, even when one of our guides to decided to shake it. I wanted to tell her to stop but I sucked it up and kept walking.
We hopped in a wagon which then took us to the next stop on our tour, the tree top walk.
We were the last group to go as we wanted to move slow, and with it being high up I didn't want to feel like I was holding a big group of people up. I was the first one in our group, which I wasn't overly keen on but for the second time that day I sucked it up and took the lead.
It was going pretty smooth and I made it to the first platform without freaking out. Sweet, for once in my life I can do these things and make it through without hesitation and holding every one else up. Ha ha way wrong!!!
Selfie moment ....
It went on like this for about an hour, though it leveled off at one point and didn't get any higher thank goodness; and when my heart started to slow down and my knees stopped shaking I took a look around. It was beautiful. We were up in the trees, green all around us. It was quiet, and peacful with little bits of light trying to make it's way through the trees. It's always worth pushing myself, even when I am scared shitless it is always worth it and I never regret it.
We both made it through the walk in one piece....Mom did amazing. I think that is why I pushed myself and didn't freak out as much a I normally would. I mean I did but it was more internal...I wasn't as vocal. I wanted to be brave for her as she is not used to doing this stuff and I wanted her to feel safe. She didn't even hesitate when the treetop walk finished with a small zipline!!!
The next part of the tour we had a bit of a background on the natives that lived in Collingwood and then from there we went over to the scenic caves. I was pretty stoked to see the scenic caves as I have never been to them. We didn't spend much time there as it was just a small tour through them but I was pretty impressed. It really amazes me sometimes that I travel all over the world and some of the coolest most beautiful things are in my own country or in the case my own backyard. I definitely want to go back to the caves and do a full tour.
The last part of our excursion ended with a zip line though this one was quite a bit bigger than the first one.
Surprisingly I wasn't nervous...I was actually pretty stoked! Mom was pretty calm. "
You okay mom?"
"Are you nervous?"
"No, I'm actually pretty excited!"
I couldn't believe this was my mom. This is so out of her element yet she was such a team player and was more relaxed than i expected! I was super proud of her.
Now it's my turn. They strapped me in. Instead of waiting and holding my breath and saying "oh no, I don't think I can do this" I hoped off the platform and let myself go.
Woohoo it was awesome and so not scary. I was above the trees and able to see everything around me. I was even brave enough to let go and take a selfie while racing along.
I was disappointed it had to end...what a ride. I unlatched myself and waited as I knew mom wouldn't be far behind me. I thought I could see her, a little speck just through the trees...and then...very faint off in the distance and then louder and louder I could hear "woooooohoooooooo!" She broke through the trees!
"That was so much fun." She said.
It sure was. Thanks for a great adventure. Happy Birthday Momma Bear!
Maybe next year we can go sky diving!!!
- My Beautiful Life -