Well, its almost 8 months since I have arrived back home. It (of course as it always is) a little difficult in the beginning; adjusting from backpacker life to regular life takes a bit of getting used to but the adjustment was short lived and I have settled back into life quite willingly and comfortably.
It was a bit of a culture shock coming back to North America. I was no longer a gringa which was a weird feeling. I had a 6 hour layover in Texas. As I walked through the airport the strangest feeling came over me. No one was staring at me. Being a gringa down South people always stare at you no matter where you are; if you are a blond gringa it happens even more. As I walked the I notice d that people were just walking by me, bumping into me and not even really paying attention to me. I thought there was something wrong with me...seriously....it was the first time in months that I was getting honked at or nudged, kissed at, stared at or followed...I was just a regular North American. I even had to adjust my hearing and listening...why could I understand everything? It took a few seconds...everything was in English, the signs and the chitter chatter of the passing people. It was strange how |I had to get used to hearing and reading English signs again. Talk about a culture shock.
A few weeks after I got home a travel friend (Jorge - we worked together in Mancora) came to visit. It was such a different experience having someone from another Country come to your country for the first time. He was so excited about everything, the people, the food, the drinks, Tim Hortons, Walmart and being able to use his English. I don't think I ever saw him without a smile for the three days that he was here. Not only that...like I mentioned earlier....there is always an adjustment period returning home after living like a nomad for a period of time so having a friend visit from my travels was like holding on to a memory, a time shared that only others get to read about in blogs. It was awesome and we were all sad when he had to leave. He promised to return in the summer but his plans changed and a return visit didn't fit into his schedule. Travelers, we always make plans but nothing is set in stone, its a tough life lol.
Jorge's first visit to Tim Hortons...look at his excitement!
Jorge decked out in all his free Canadian attire...he wanted the full experience.
I know I haven't written. I had a friend ask me "why don't you write your blogs when you get back home." My answer, well, I don't want to bore you. I hate writing a blog when I have nothing interesting to share. I like you all to think that my life is amazing and full of adventure at all times. How would you all feel if you knew I actually do have a normal life that can be boring....where is the fun in that? However...it's true..my life has been pretty normal since returning home, though normalcy has been good, great actually.
I had a job the day after I returned home. It's my old job, back at the restaurant (at Blue Mountain Village) in the prep kitchen. I couldn't complain as it was nearing the end of the winter season so there were slim pickings on job opportunities, plus it was a stress free position and after months of working in the hostel I needed a bit of a break from dealing with people on a day to day basis. Though after of couple months, I trained as a server so I can now fill in when they need someone to cover shifts. I am also working late nights on the weekends when we become a night club. I work the bottle service/vip section and after a month, was promoted to Lead VIP which is going great. I worked heaps of hours over the summer, sometimes I didn't have days off for two weeks at a time, but I enjoy being a normal person who gets a pay check every two weeks so I was never bothered by the hours .
My social life has been almost non-existent, work has taken up so much of my time. Like I said, being back into a normal lifestyle is great, but I really wanted to (try to) enjoy the summer whenever I was lucky enough to have a free day. Summer was amazingly hot, sometimes unbearable, but I love the heat and really wanted to enjoy a summer at home.
Though not as often as I would have liked, I did get some really great days in. Some were spent in our backyard basking in the sun while taking in a few drinks and nights were spent sitting in our backyard enjoying a bonfire while again enjoying drinks.

I spent a day at a friend's (from work) pool. We were lucky to have a great sunny super hot day. Day's off could be rainy and cloudy, sometimes the best ones seemed to be the days we were working. It was chilled out and nice. We lounged, listened to music, (of course) had drinks and relaxed on pool floaties. I had purchased a 3 person raft that looks like a huge cinnabun and lounged on that with my Caesar. The dogs even came for a float. We finished the day off with trivia night at one of the local bars.

One of my closest friends Heather is a manager at work, and she also does the schedule. She booked me off for two days (which were her days off as well) and went to her family's cottage for a few days which was a well needed mini vacation. Its up in Honey Harbour in the Muskoka's. It's right on the water which is where we spent most of our time. The first day we laid out on their massive 12 person raft with her sister (who I hadn't seen in quite a few years). It was a perfect way to just relax while - of course - enjoying some drinks.
Me half asleep and still holding on to my drink....classic!

The next day we spent out on the floating dock. Beer, sun umbrella's, chairs, music a boat and a wakeboard. I hadnt been on a wakeboard in years or gone swimming in our fresh water in a few summers. To me it's one of the best feelings in the world, jumping in fresh water lakes. It's refreshing, it makes me feel alive in a way nothing else does...it felt so good. I was having such a great time in the water and on the wakeboard. I was pretty impressed with myself actually. I got up no problems and chilling out riding the wake until I wiped out....face first. My feet flew right out of the wakeboard bindings. As Im just getting my head above water I hear "the board flew right off!" Yup, that was enough for me, I was exhausted and kind of hurt my face and head from the impact.
We spent the rest of the day out on the seadoo, exploring the area, getting ice cream and doing a liquor run. However after two days of sunshine, fun and board games we were all quite tired and went to bed at around 10:30. Boy, we are all getting old.
My best buddy Brandon has a sailboat. We had big plans for it this summer. We took it out of storage and cleaned it from top to bottom, scrubbing, dusting, rinsing, vacuuming and it was so hot, I would say probably one of the hottest days. We said that we were going to get out as much as possible. We didnt want to work all summer like we usually do, we wanted to actually make time to enjoy living in a tourist town. People always say "wow it must be great living up here, there is so much to do!" Ya if we actually got to enjoy ourselves as much as people think we do...we work too much. We were positive though about having heaps of time, we even planned a sailing trip. We got out 4 times on the boat. Not what we were planning and we even had to forgo on our sailing trip. However the days we did get out were great. The last time I got out on the boat was end of July...or should I say we attempted to go out on it. We took it out for about a half hour and decided to turn back to the harbour. It was so windy from a passing storm and there was a second one off in the distance - thank God I don't get seasick, it was pretty choppy. The wind was worse in the harbour making it more than impossible to get the boat docked in it's slip. We had to park across from its regular spot on another dock. It took three of us two hours to get it tied up and covered with the screens. No damage to us though we did smash some of the 2x4's on the lower part of the dock. Plus I couldnt do much...I would've been pulled into the water from the force of the wind ...it was intense. So much for a nice relaxing day on the boat lol. We did get to relax at around 4pm and we went out on the boat around 12:30 so it took awhile for the relaxation opportunity to come around...and all the spiders on the boat were making me jumpy. They were everywhere. One half the size of my hand crawled across Brandon's hat - which he was wearing. His dad went to grab it and it landed on his face...ughh...so gross. Brandon said "oh well" got it off his face and threw it overboard. Yuck yuck yuck. I can travel the world solo but am still afraid of spiders...go figure.
Being home is great, I love all the time I have been spending with my family and friends. It feels good to have an everyday normal life and I have been able to focus quite a bit, clear my head and think about where I want to be, what I want to do. Though it can be difficult at times. I have noticed some changes in myself personally. I was always an open person ready and willing to talk to whom ever, trust everyone, confide in everyone; but it's not like that anymore. I have found that traveling on my own has made me extremely private. I have gotten so used to taking on the world on my own that I have a tendency not to open up and chitter chatter the way I used to. I'm quieter, I steer clear from drama...I avoid it at all costs. I feel it's something that I dont need and have been a long time without. Not that you don't get some of it traveling but its a different kind and are always able to pick up and walk away. I have a handful of friends that I hang out with that I love deeply, though I do spend a lot of time on my own. If something is bothering me or I'm upset about something I find myself dealing with it silently instead of crying on someones shoulder. I guess when you have gone through heartache and heartbreak on the other side of the world it just feels awkward to tell other people how you are feeling. Sometimes I feel like I am keeping my loved ones at arms length, maybe it's because I feel like they don't understand me or that they are too busy with their own things in life - which is ok. Or, maybe I am just used to people being in and out of my life so quickly that fully opening up to someone now just isn't something I"m up for. I dont know. I do question if I want to keep traveling and maybe put down some roots instead. I guess I"m at the point in my life where settling down doesn't seem so bad and scary after all. Most of my friends are settled into lives, careers, marriage and babies and honestly it can be difficult to feel connected with them sometimes as I am on such a different life path that I feel finding commonalities to be difficult. I look at them - sometimes with envy - thinking
I want that, I'm ready; but then that urge gurgles and my skin tingles. It's like the word wanderlust is just rushing through my veins. It's confusing and makes it challenging for me to make a decision.
I'm not gonna lie...I am itching to leave again, and have already started researching for my next trip (doesnt mean I will go) and am applying for a teaching position overseas (you will have to wait for location on that). However I have decided to extend my time here and work for the winter season, snowboard and save. I'm actually pretty stoked to be spending a winter season at home. It won't be Big White, but I'm excited to have a snowy season, though maybe not so much the frigid weather.
I"m glad I came home. I was really homesick in South America and coming home was the perfect decision. I did shed tears on my flight home, going home is harder than leaving, but as I shed those tears |I knew I was crying because I made the right decision, and I have no regrets. I'm enjoying spending time with my parents and friends, I usually come home and leave again so quickly I don't take time to enjoy what I have here and this time I am taking in every moment that I can. Being back has made me realize how truly lucky I am in life and it puts a smile on my face. I am truly grateful.
- My Beautiful Life -