Wow!!! A week has passed since my last blog and so much has happened…I feel like I left a month ago. I have been meaning to write sooner but I just haven’t been able to find the time as I have constantly been on the go, sightseeing or meeting up with people. I am going to do my best to update you on everything so I hope this won’t get boring.
Alright so the last blog ended with Sara and I on our way to Calgary for the night. We actually stayed for two nights. Sara was exhausted…we somehow ended up off of the TransCan and way far North so we had to come back down and then over to Calgary…it ended up being a 15 hour day. So Sara wanted a day to relax before driving our last little bit to Kelowna. Plus…we had drank quite a bit before at her mate Richard’s house…we got to bed super late and woke up about noon so an early head start was not an option.
Sara slept quite late but her mate Richard took me out and about so I could see a bit of Calgary. It’s a really nice city, very modern and clean, lots of bars and shops, live music in the park and just a really nice vibe all together…plus, the sun was out. Richard took me to his favourite bar for a pint and then we headed back to his place where he looked at me and said “fancy another beer” and popped open a Corona. It was all downhill from there. Sara woke up and Richard started handing out more beers. We decided that it was getting late and we would rather have a fun night so we decided to head out and buy some beer for the rest of the night.
Now there is something I have to tell you, and I really hope it comes across as somewhat funny because in real life I pissed myself laughing. Richard is a comedian - I don’t mean that literally, like he doesn’t have a stand-up show or anything. He is just so random and does the funniest things. When we got to the liquor store there was a booth with a tall young man wearing a bowtie was handing out samples of a new beer. “Would you like to try a sample?” he asked Richard. “Actually, I would like to discuss your bowtie!” When the guy handed him a sample Richard said“you short poured me.” “yes I pour less when I free pour.” “well, remind me when you are working at the bar never to get a drink from you.” The guy was not impressed but a woman in the store was asking “who does he belong to he’s so funny.”
The rest of our day we spent outside on the sidewalk drinking beer and playing hackie sack. Richard kept saying “Cmon Cheryl!” and when I kicked high he would say “I saw Cheryl’s clam” then we would continue to call me the one trick pony as I only have one way of getting the hackie sack on my shoe. So in return I called him Dick for the rest of our visit. Everytime someone walked by we would yell “new player” and toss the hackie sack to them and they would join in for a minute or two.
At 9 I was done, day drunk is not the way it used to be when I was younger and we were leaving the next day…so we were in bed by midnight and up the next morning to head to Kelowna with an afternoon stop in Banff.
I was so excited for Banff! That’s where Lake Louise is and one of the things on my bucket list that I have been dying to see. I was like a kid in a candy store while we drove through the Rockies, “look over there! OMG!!! Look there. WOW!!! This is so incredible, I can’t believe we are in Canada. Oh, look over there!” Sara was laughing at me. I swear, I didn’t feel like I was in Canada, lol actually I still don’t. The views are just breathtaking. I have traveled around the world looking at beauty when it’s been here in Canada the whole time. I wish somebody would’ve told me how awesome Canada is a little sooner…oh well better late than never.
Our first stop in Banff was Moraine Lake. It was so beautiful…crystal clear water close to the shore I could’ve stayed all day, it was so peaceful and serene and the sun was perfect – a long with the view of course – but we had to head to Lake Louise and then drive to Kelowna. When we were coming off the road from Moraine Lake there was a huge traffic jam and the road was blocked. They weren’t letting people in because it was to packed (there was nowhere to park at Moraine lake, people were parking on the street). We were lucky we got there when we did.
We parked a bit away from Lake Louise as it was really busy, much busier than Moraine Lake.
As we got closer I got really excited as Lake Louis has been on my bucket list for years so I couldn’t wait to see it. I was quite disappointed when we first got there, there were so many people …well tourists I should say. There were probably a thousand people maybe more. It was so congested, it was 10 times worse than the Blue Mountain Village on a long weekend – it probably didn’t help that it was labour day weekend. I have always had this image that when I got to Lake Louise, it would just be me standing there, alone, no one around, just me standing there in the complete quiet taking in the beauty of Lake Louise. (Notice the blog background)
The water is a rich mint green colour with an incredible back drop of snow kissed mountains that reflect into an almost perfect replica of themselves in the water. It is breathtaking, probably one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen. We found a quieter spot down along the path on a brick wall and we just planted ourselves there for a little bit. Even with all the people there I was still quite happy – once we found the quieter spot. I was finally there and I was so happy J
We got to Kelowna around 8pm. Hung out with some people, had a beer and went to bed. We were up super early the next day, had breakfast (free pancakes every morning at the hostel – KIH) swapped pictures, or should I say Sara needed mine lol and then it was the end of our journey together and Sara left for Vancouver.
I spent the week in Kelowna and a few of those days I spent with my family that lives out there. It was so great!!! I hadn’t seen them in years and my cousin that I saw last time I was out there (which was when I was 10) was a year old and now has a 1 year old herself, who, I might add is the cutest thing in the world. She is always smiling and laughing and when you say “Ivy fist pump” she walks up to you and pumps your fist with hers lol its too funny. It was so amazing spending time with my family and getting to know my younger cousins and learning I have heaps in common with one of my older cousins. My uncle talked about our family history and our grandparents…it was so nice.
My last night I spent at the hostel as I wanted to hang out with some people I had met and then the next day my Aunt and Uncle picked me up and took me to the Greyhound. Yup that’s right the Greyhound, my most favourite bus company in the world – this is total sarcasm. We all know how much I despise the company and my day started off with the woman telling me its an extra $15 (per bag) to put more than one bag under the bus. ??? I have never been charged extra…but yet they are ok with you taking like 3 on the bus with you…makes no sense whatsoever. However, despite my hatred for the company the bus ride was great. It had plugs for your electronics so I was able to charge everything and it had free wifi…happy me.
I was heading into Vancouver to meet up with my mate Ian –we both stayed at the hostel in St. Kilda and hadn’t seen each other since. He picked me up at the bus station, we went food and beer shopping and then we headed to Squamish. The plan was to camp the night in his (covered) pickup and get up early for a hike.
We had a really good setup in the truck. We had our mattresses rolled out and our sleeping bags rolled out as well a case of beer and music it was actually really comfortable. We were up quite late catching up on what we have been doing and where we have been…I have course worried about bears and made Ian go for a walk every time I went to the outhouse lol but we survived.
The parking lot (that we camped in) was full the next morning, Ian had been smart for us to camp there over night, while everyone was packing their bags and looking for parking spots we were stretching and making up oatmeal and tea for breakfast.
I thought the hike was 3 hours there and back…oh how I was pleasantly surprised. Just at about our hour and a half mark we came to a sign that said 5km. “5km? I thought the hike was 9 km there and back?” I looked at Ian out of breath and wanting to die “Nope, it’s 9km there” “This better be worth it Ian” I shouldn’t have been complaining considering I wasn’t carrying anything. Everyone hiking up was doing what I like to call extreme camping. They hike up with full blown excursion backpacks equipped with tent, sleeping bags, food and they hike up to the lake and set up camp! It’s intense and awesome and I love it…however I need to get into shape lol. The drive back to Vancouver was amazing – of course. The view of the mountainess islands on the water actually reminded me of the incredible everyday view I had when living on the Island in the Whitsundays. Yet again, I am amazed by BC. I saw a falling rock sign and asked Ian if he knew the story and he quickly answered saying he read my blog and didn't need me to tell it to him lol...damn I love telling the story.
My next stop was to see Paige (you remember her, we met going to Fiji in flew to New Zealand together). We hadn’t seen each other since Queenstown. Over two years. I just spent the past 4 nights at her place. It is so great catching up with people that you met traveling as you have a different bond with them then you do with others in your life, there is a different level of connection that you just don’t have with anyone else. It really amazes me how well we actually got along for 4 days because in all honesty, we don’t know each other that well. The first night we had some drinks but I could barely stay awake as Ian and I did the hike that day, she finally let me head to bed just after midnight. The next day she wake me up at about 830am “if I don’t answer maybe she will go away” were my thoughts but I knew we had to be up because we were going into the city for the day.
Our first obstacle was parking the car. There were signs on the parking meters stating new temporary hours on parking times and they were a bit confusing but after reading and rereading we decided to leave the car…not to smart.
We went for lunch at the Warehouse, this awesome restaurant where everything is $4.95…I know right!! And the food is soo good and the portions are a good size. Then we went shopping which was a bad idea because she took me into Brandy Melville and I couldn’t resist. The clothes were calling my name so I had to purchase!!! We did more shopping and walking, went down to the sea wall and sat in the park, it was such an awesome day and we had so much fun. The next few days I just chilled as her and her boyfriend had to work so it was nice to just do nothing for a couple days.
And now, I am at a hostel in Vancouver. I got here super early this morning and checked in and went to sleep lol. I am now waiting to meet up with another friend I met on my travels. Robbie is flying in from Australia (yes he is Ozzie) and he has never been to Canada nor has he ever backpacked and I am super stoked to see him!!! I can not wait to spend the next few weeks traveling with him.
I am so loving life out here on the west end…I know I am not gonna want to leave….I can’t believe this is Canada!!!
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